Thursday, January 3, 2013


1) Will a person’s character prior to a transhumanism accident determine how far one will go in using or misusing their new found powers?


  1. A person’s character does reflect on the actions the person takes. If an individual tends to steal on occasion prior to receiving powers, it is more than likely they will abuse their newly found powers to their advantage in order to obtain whatever they desire; especially if there is a guarantee they would not get caught. A person’s character is a foundation that influences their values as well as their choice of actions; and if they receive powers that can enhance their abilities it would tend to alter their behavior to an extreme depending on their prior values which may result in misuse or abuse in power.

  2. A person’s character prior to a transhumanism accident will most likely determine how far one will go in using or misusing their new found powers. Actions made by people are based on their values and principles. These values and principles are derived from our beliefs. If we believe in our beliefs and stay firm about them no matter what, then I think a person who just gained superpowers might have a chance of not abusing them. A great example of this can be seen in the television show called Faith. There is a general in this show who can shoot purple light beams from his fingers and there is a Prince of the Court (a royal family member)who can shoot ice beams from his finger. This show takes place in an alternate world in which martial artists can gain power through many years of training. The general obtains this superpower and only utilizes for good. He has never abused these powers, in fact, he hates to use his powers. Also, before the general obtained his powers, his life wasn't the best thing. His teacher was killed by the king of his country and his lover committed suicide because of what happened with his teacher. The general was really close to his lover and teacher since they were the only two people in his life that actually loved him. His father was a warrior but he died in battle when he was really young. I think his mother died due to a disease or after giving birth. The show doesn't really specify about his mother. He had plenty of motivation to kill the king without being jailed in the future but he didn't chose to do so. His moral character was kept even after he had powers and the general ended up being loyal to the king's brother who was now in power. In fact, he and the king's brother became great friends and the friendship partially prospered because the general was such a loyal and honorable person. The Prince of the Court, on the other hand, uses his powers very frequently knowing that the use of it might kill him. He is essentially a very evil person before he obtained the superpowers and is still the same after. Till the die he dies, the prince chooses to use his powers in an abusive manner and this led to his demise. If you look at his life before the years, he was still very manipulative and greedy for governmental power and immortality. It grew to be like a severe dysfunctional disease after he gained his powers. Therefore, my point is that character can greatly affect and determine how far one will go in using their new powers. (NOTE: I made some implications about the events in the TV show because it didn't really reveal everything about every character, so I grew some logical conclusions based on the events about the characters of the show.)

  3. A person’s character may determine their values that will determine their decisions and actions. Now when a person experience’s a transhumanism accident their character will affect the how they use their newly found powers but only at first. I believe that a person cannot uphold such great power and use it only because of the influence his/her character. A person who strictly upholds moral beliefs will surely go on to do well with his powers at first. But once that person becomes comfortable and temptation or desire takes over the chances of that person acting immorally becomes very high. Same applies with a person whose character is immoral and despicable. That person will go on to misuse the power like he/she is accustomed to. However, that person might have a change of heart or have compassion for someone who will in turn influence to do well. All in all, a person’s character prior to a transhumanism accident can determine how far one will go in using or misusing their new found powers but it won’t be long before the person’s prior character is disregarded by feelings that come along with such great and unique power. A person is bound to change just like their live has changed with the addition of that power. The power will show how a person’s prior character changes, whether it takes a long time or a short period.

  4. A person's character prior to the transhumanism accident most likely determines how they will be after the accident. However, that may not always be case as the actual power may corrupt the person themselves. The entire answer to this question is completely circumstantial. Brian made an excellent point in class today pertaining to chronicle the movie about how they were prior to the obtainance of power and how it affected them. But I also believe that a good person can become corrupt after obtaining that power. If I were to ever have to chance to become invisible, I would not because I would be in fear of gaining too much power and becoming corrupt. I would possibly discard of it by burning it or something because no one person deserves such a power. But then again would I have the will power to discard such a thing? In class I actually wrote "With great power comes immense burden"

  5. I believe that a persons character prior to a transhumanism accident will determine how far one will go in using or misusing their new found powers because oftentimes, a person's character reflects the actions that they would take. For instance, if a person is always acting selfish, by simply always only thinking of themselves disregarding what is best for others as well as how their actions may negatively impact others, then once they undergo transhumanism they will just take advantage of this power and use it to easier fulfill their selfish desires, such as robbing a bank. However, if a person is usually someone who doesn’t necessarily do things to hurt others and they are not able to handle the guilt of acting in a egotistic manor then when they face a transhumanism accident they will most likely think twice before they are to misuse their new found power. However, such as in any experiment sometimes things go wrong that are beyond our means. Therefore, in a transhumanism accident something can go wrong in which the persons actions reflect nothing of their prior character but they act in such opposite ways because they are not truly in control.

  6. A person's character will affect how they would react to getting this sudden power. Like the example I used in class today, if I were to be in a transhumanism accident and got the power of let's say invisibility I would behave immorally but not to an extreme. My personality is lke ... I like to have fun and I love to laugh. If I was human I would probably "haunt" people and trip them randomly. However my character and moral values wouldn't allowe me to steal even though I wouldn't get caught.

  7. Honestly, in my opinion, it depends on the extent to which the person is receiving the transhuman alteration/enhancement. I do also believe a person's character plays a role in how they behave, but it is a person's thoughts, beliefs, convictions, experiences, and also faith that inspires and influences their character. Also their sense of justice and righteousness contribute to the creation and display of a person's character. What I'm saying is that it varies from individual to individual. Different scenarios play out where a person who commits crimes before attaining the enhancements may worsen in their improved condition or clean up their act. A normally good person may give into the temptation and ecstasy of the pleasures they can attain through the use of their newly found powers or they can exercise an iron will/resolve and stay true to themselves and remain just and untainted by power.

  8. Ones character prior to a transhumanism accident in most cases does affect how that person would use the power given to them. If a person's moral beliefs are strong, then that person will most definitely use the powers for good and not abuse them. If a person played it safe and seemed good in their character, they would probably misuse the powers only because they didn't believe in strongly that the way they were living was not good enough. The list goes on on how exactly it may play out as it varies from each and every individual.

  9. Transhumanism can either enhance a person character, whether it be good or bad, or it might change it, for better or worse. Some people, when given great power, or power over others, may change the way they are because great power corrupt great people. It can also change change someone for the better and give them a sense of purpose and/or responsibility. But more often than not, in comic books or in the movies, people who have received great power, it has only enhanced their character, whether they turn out to be the good guy (Spiderman), or the bad guy (Doc Ock). In my opinion, power can either corrupt the mind or enhance it.

  10. A persons character will prior to a transhumanism accident will determine how far one will go in using or misusing their new found powers. If someone is a genially good person then you can figure that they don't break rules but if they behave unmoral they may steal commit crimes and so forth. If they had an ability to do illegal things without getting caught they would and maybe even worse murder.

  11. A person's character prior to acquiring some sort of ability will be the main reasoning for their actions with said abilities. if a person is bullied for a majority of his life and then requires some sort of super power or ability, you better believe that person will use those powers for revenge and immoral actions, whereas someone who isn't bullied and has a better experience of life growing up will use those powers for moral things and will become what we know as a "superhero."
